Monday 20 June 2011

A close encounter with the RNLI in Scrabster

The delights of Scrabster had been fully explored, so it was time to move on - the West Coast beckons.  So much for the plan - we left as the sun was rising (0300) to catch the tide on slack at Cape Wrath.  It was a rising forecast so we had #4 headsail up, but after about an hour we realised we needed to change up to the #2.  There was really very little wind at the time, so a decision was made to start the engine and autopilot and do the sail change.  Again, so much for the plan.  The engine did not start, and all the electrics went off. 

At this stage we were making 3.5kts with the tide towards Cape Wrath with no control at all.  After some deliberation, and considerable wishing we had more electrical knowledge we put out a pan pan.  No one else was up at 0400, so the Thurso RNLI came to our aid.

The RNLI appear and we are taken under tow

Heading back to Scrabster at 8.5kts, courtesy of the RNLI

We were safely deposited back on quay at Scrabster where the harbour master met us and said he knew a Marine Electrician - undeterred by the fact that it was still only 0545, he phoned a friend, and the man duly turned up at 0800.  Still more scratching of heads, lots of pulling things out and putting them back again followed, and 4 1/2 hours later he pronounced us fit and healthy and ready to continue.  He found no fault, and the problem appears to have been no more than a loose connection.  We now feel older and wiser, an very grateful to the RNLI, the Harbour Master, and the Marine Electrician who wouldn't charge us as he wasn't busy that day!!

The day was not wasted however, as we met an American called Chris who was rowing to Iceland! 
Not many creature comforts on this boat!
 As we are now turning South, it's time to put in our Stats So Far:

So - with grateful thanks to the RNLI, we plan to resume our journey at a far more respectable hour of 0400.

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