Tuesday 7 June 2011

BlogZilla - The Dog's Blog

Two new Humans have turned up today - Excellent - I think this one likes me: 

An extra trip round the Prison today - maybe I'll be able to catch that rabbit before it goes under those bars ...

Oh no - that 'It's Useless Unless Worn' man is on the radio before the weather forecast... here comes that horrid lifejacket again, don't they realise it's not my colour at all.

We're off - good - I don't want any one to see me in this outfit.

Sunset - that must mean supper time, but why are we still moving?  Where is the land?

Engine on, Sails down, we are arriving - are they joking?  How am I supposed to get up there??
I don't like the look of this one bit

In the bag?  I thought it was for the shopping!  Needs must, I suppose.

Humans are not allowed to do much here - seems Dogs have free reign though.

Back in the bag - not happy about this -  time for another sleep after all that excitement.  More sailing - boring, boring, boring.

We've arived!  Time to take those Humans for a walk ...


Is this my best side?

Now what's happening:  The big fellow is up to something:  Don't like the look of this one bit ...

But Humans are meant to look like their Dogs! 

Time for one last walk - there's a lighthouse to be visited, who cares if a hermit lives in the caves or not, but there could be rabbits ...

Rumour has it the big fellow is not a Dog Lover, but I think I've won him over.

That's all folks

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