Tuesday 7 June 2011

Arbroath To Peterhead

We'd eaten the smokies, and seen the sights, so it was time to move on from Arbroath - next stop Peterhead.  Arbroath is tidal, so we had to wait until 3pm to leave - the wind was a good force 6, but going in our direction so we decided to leave anyway.  After some discussion we left the #2 jib on and sailed under jib alone.

A good decision:
Just in case you can't read the dials, we are doing 10.9kts in 34 kts of breeze - and we are exactly on course.  The maximum speed we recorded on that leg was 12.6kts but no one was letting go of anything to take a photo!

The bow wave
 The coast line was rugged with miles of red cliffs - we didn't see any other yachts out that day.  Interestingly, most of the yachts we have seen have been motor sailing, whatever the weather.  We are actually sailing round the UK, our engine is definitely for entering and leaving ports only!

We sailed on past Aberdeen, and saw the most incredible sunset - a 360 degree sunset!

We did phone a friend to see if this was usual, but think we were just lucky.

We arrived in Peterhead at 0200, the harbour lights were hard to identify against the other lights on the land and I certainly wished I had looked more closely at the Almanac chartlet before trying to work it out in the dark.

Peterhead Marina was lovely, if you can ignore the huge cement factory and very large prison that rather dominate the area - the wind had died off, and we broke out the bicycles again to have a look round.
We left Zilla on board and set off for the Fishing Harbour at the opposite side of the bay.  This was a Serious Fishing Port!

No wonder the small fishing ports have been abandoned

This sign says it all!

We followed the signs back to the Marina.  Back on board again - a scene of total tranquility:

Next Stop:  Buckie.

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